Treatment based on dynamic visual assessment

Our Services

Voice Health & Rehabiliation

Voice assessment that starts with a video image of your vocal folds and continues with treatment from speech-language pathologists experienced in voice rehabilitation for occupational voice users and singing professionals. Gender-affirming voice services are also available.


Upper Airway

Laryngeal imaging and treatment for upper airway disorders including Chronic Cough, Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement/Vocal Cord Dysfunction, Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction. We also use imaging to provide biofeedback.


Swallowing Health & Safety

FEES: Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing so that you can see whether food or fluids are entering the airway. We provide exercises to help get you back safely to the family dinner table or the café with friends.

Speech & Communication

We have been providing services for 20 years for adults and adolescents who have acquired communication challenges following stroke, brain injury, Parkinson's Disease, or other neurological diagnosis. We work with clients and their networks of support to optimize life participation and desired quality of life.

Why Choose Us

A picture is Worth...

View what is happening in your throat in real time or  on video. Our SLPs have advanced certificates in  FEEVS

Experience Matters

We focus on a few things and do them well. Our SLPs have medical, musical and educational team-based backgrounds.


Our  bright clinic is wheelchair accessible.  

Call us for consultations in your home or facility.


Assessments can usually be booked within two weeks. 

We’re on-call for performers visiting Victoria.

About Us

Victoria Voice & Swallow Clinic is unique on Vancouver Island.

Our clinic gives people the opportunity to see their vocal folds and swallow mechanism in action:

it’s fascinating, and the foundation for evidence-based treatment.

Susan M. Edwards M.Sc., RSLP is licensed by the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC.

Any unresolved concerns about a registrant’s practice may be reported to CSHBC

 at 900-200 Granville St., Vancouver BC, V6C 1S4. Phone: 604.742.6380 Toll-free: 1.888.742.6380 Email:

Contact Us